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Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Portable

Sekarang udah ada adobe photoshop yang baru yaitu Adobe Photoshop CS5. Disini saya hanya bisa kasih tahu yang portable, yang simple biar bisa dibawa kemana aja.

Download Link :
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Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager (IDM) adalah software yg termasuk kedalam download accelerator, IDM ini sangat membantu dalam hal men-download. IDM juga mempunyai kecepatan download 5x lipat dari download biasa. Jadi buat anda para penjelajah dunia maya yang suka download, saya sarankan untuk memakai IDM.

Anda bisa download di Link dibawah ini (IDM 6.02 beta)+patch :
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Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

You Tube Downloader (Portable Version)

This simple freeware application works pretty well, given how basic the interface is. It has two main features: to download FLV files from YouTube, and to convert them to most major formats. If there's a YouTube URL in your clipboard, it will automatically paste it for you when you click on the dialog box. From there, just hit OK and the downloading will commence. One more left-click is all it takes to load the file in the converter, which supports iPhone, iPod, PSP, cell phone, AVI, MP3, WMV, and Xvid. Surprisingly, there's also a basic video editor for cropping videos by time stamp. You can also cut out the sound when converting.

This is one of the lightest editors around, but the simplistic interface belies its functionality and it performs exactly as advertised. We'd like to see support in future editions for hunting down missing codecs, and version 2.1.5 and earlier won't work because of embed code changes on YouTube itself. Still, the YouTube Downloader is proof that not only is video-making accessible to everyone, so is video downloading and editing.

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Microsoft Visio 2003

Microsoft Visio (pronounced /ˈvɪzi.oʊ/ VIZ-zee-oh), marketed as Microsoft Office Visio, is a diagramming program for Microsoft Windows that uses vector graphics to create diagrams. It is currently available in three editions: Standard, Professional and Premium. The current version is Microsoft Office Visio 2010 for Windows. In late 2009, Microsoft released the beta version of Microsoft Visio 2010. Unlike the core Office 2007 applications, Microsoft Visio 2007 does not feature the Ribbon user interface. However, Microsoft Visio 2010 does. No version of Visio exists for the Mac OS X or Linux operating systems, although other diagramming programs exist for those systems. Due to proprietary Visio file format, no Mac OS X or Linux program can read Visio files (as of October 2010).

The Standard and Professional editions both share the same interface, but the latter has additional templates for more advanced diagrams and layouts as well as unique functionality that makes it easy for users to connect their diagrams to a number of data sources and display the information graphically.[1][2] The Premium edition has three additional diagram types with intelligent rules support, validation and subprocess (diagram breakdown) support.[3]

Microsoft acquired Visio Corporation in 2000. Enterprise Network Tools, an add-on product enabling automated network and directory services diagramming, and Visio Network Center, a website where users could locate the latest network documentation content and exact-replica network equipment shapes from 500 leading manufacturers, were released alongside version 2002.[4] The former has been discontinued, while the latter's shape-finding features are now integrated into the program itself.[5] Visio 2007 was released on November 30, 2006.

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Jasa Rental Mobil & Percetakan Undangan

Bagi Anda yang berada di daerah kota Karawang, jika butuh Jasa Percetakan Undangan silahkan anda kirim message ke facebook , atau hubungi nomor 085717602730 ( telpon atau sms )

Dan bagi anda ingin bepergian namun tidak ada kendaraan, silahkan hubungi saya, kirim message di facebook atau hubungi nomor 085717602730 (telpon atau sms)

facebook : fadillah surya primayoga
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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Borland C++ 5.02

Hai teman-teman sekalian, saya baru saja ngotak-atik Borland C++. Ada yang masih gak tau apa itu Borland C++?? itu loh salah satu compiler C++ yang sangat terkenal karena kecepatannya mengcompile dan mengeksekusi program dari syntax yang kita buat. Dengan  program ini, kalian bisa belajar banyak mengenai bahasa pemrograman C++, serta bagi kalian yang ingin belajar C++, tetapi tidak mempunyai compiler nya, kalian bisa mendownloadnya disini gratis. Sehingga kalian bisa menerapkan apa yang saya posting di blog ini.
Berikut keterangan lengkap Borland C++ yang baru saya download.
  • Size : 85Mb dalam bentuk .rar
  • Borland C++ adalah program pengembangan dari Turbo C++
  • File version: 5.02 final release 1997
  • Bekerja di semua OS Windows (saya menggunakan Windows 7 Ultimate)
  1. Setelah download selesai, extract file Borland c++ 5.02.rar
  2. Kemudian masuk folder Borland C++ 5.02
  3. Cari file setup kemudian jalankan.
  4. Ketika muncul jendela installer, klik nex, next, accept, dst..
  5. Menginstall Borland sangat mudah karena tinggal next saja..
  6. Tanpa diberitahupun saya yakin anda bisa! HAHAHAHA..
  7. Kalo berhasil, ya selamat, kalo gagal, ulangi lagi.. wkwkwkwk..
Saya yakin kalian semua bisa menginstall program ini. Jika kalian berhasil menginstall Borland C++, maka saat membukanya, tampilan Borland C++ akan tampak seperti ini:

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Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010


TweakXPlorer is a program that allows you to enhance your Windows Explorer look. It uses the Microsoft “secret” tweak that have not included on Windows XP even Windows XP PowerToys.

Some TweakXPlorer key features are:
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ScreenToys is a prank programs collection made by D-One Productions. Prank your friends with ScreenToys!
ScreenToys are :
  • ScreenShaker - Shake your monitor screen!
  • ScreenMover - Make your monitor screen follows mouse movement!
  • ScreenBouncer - Bounce your monitor screen.
  • ScreenScrewer - Screws up your monitor screen.
  • Crazy Contrast - Change your monitor contrast level with crazy!
ScreenToys are 100% VIRUS FREE! GUARANTEED!!

To stop ScreenToys, move your mouse to top-left corner of the screen. A message will appears that tell your friend if it is only a prank. Click Close button and prank is ended.



NOTE : It is not recommended to run more than one ScreenToys at same time. You should choose one ScreenToys you feel best for prank your friend.
Copy ScreenToys to Startup folder in Start Menu.

NOTE : It is not recommended to run more than one ScreenToys at same time. You should choose one ScreenToys you feel best for prank your friend.
Copy ScreenToys to Startup folder in Start Menu.
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If you love to making fun to your friend, then we presents a greatest computer prank for you. The Ultimate Virus is the best prank software ever known on the net. Over 1000 downloads and 5 rating on, then it proves that The Ultimate Virus is a right choice for prank your friend!
This program acts like a virus, but it's not a real virus.
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Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Tentang Me

hai!  Namaku Fadillah Surya Primayoga, kalian bisa memanggilku yoga atau fadil (suka2 aja). Umur saya 18 tahun, saya tinggal di Kota Karawang. Saya disini ingin memperkenalkan Blog baru saya, sekalian mau belajar tentang blog lebih dalam, saya harap agar para blogger lain dapat ikut bergabung disini sambil sharing hal mengenai blog, atau ke facebook fadillah surya primayoga.
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